Linphone Android: Tls Handshake Error With Self Signed Certificate
Solution 1:
It is because self-signed cert can not recognized by those third-party CAs that official linphone app pre-configured.
linphone uses it's own root CA store list where server-cert is going to be verified used by linphone when it received cert from your sip server.
If you don't want to disable server cert verification (it's good to avoid Man-in-the-middle attack), and since there is no CA that linphone pre-configured can verify your cert, you must create your own CA and add it into linphone's CA list.
you can find the CA list in linphone android source: res/raw/rootca.pem
just add your CA into it and recompiled.
I'm not familiar with linphone, but I think it is the way to go.
some useful links:
Creating Your Own SSL Certificate Authority (and Dumping Self Signed Certs)
Solution 2:
There are different solutions to this problem:
If you have shell access to your Linphone server, you can install a proper certificate, either buy one or (which I recommend) use a free one from Let's Encrypt
If that is not possible, install the self-signed certificate into your Android keystore: Download the certificate (if Linphone offers a web gui, you can download it with Chrome in the PEM format, by clicking on the lock symbol in the addressbar) and put it on your SD-card. Then go to Android Settings / Security / Certificate Management / Install from storage and select your file. You will probably have a permanent notification however, that your network might be monitored.
If you don't want that notification and have root access, follow the previous step and move the newly added file from
. Then reboot your device and the message should be gone.
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