Update Object Type Livedata With Databinding
I want to update views via databinding with livedata. Lets have a look at the scenario. Data Class data class Movie(var name: String = '', var createdAt: String = '') ViewModel cl
Solution 1:
I have got the answer of my question. A hint from Here
The reference link's answer is a bit long change todo. I have got a very simple solution.
Here's what I did:
Just inherit you Data Class with BaseObservable and just call the method notifyChange() after your Object's property change from anywhere.
i.e.Data Class
data classMovie(varname: String = "", varcreatedAt: String = "") : BaseObservable()
classMyViewModel: ViewModel(){
var pageTitle: MutableLiveData<String>()
var movie: MutableLiveData<Movie>()
pageTitle.value = "Title Changed"
movie.value.name = "Movie Name Changed"//here is the megic
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