Android Custom Simplecursoradapter With Image From File With Path In Database
Gist: custom adapter gets file resource indirectly via filepath in database. Inefficiency / memory concerns. Your opinion requested. References to all searches, related links, and
Solution 1:
Two things you can do:
1) Use the ViewHolder pattern, cache the LayoutInfalter and most important: don't bind data twice:
/* ... imports */importstatic;
publicclassTextAndImageCursorAdapterextendsSimpleCursorAdapter {
private LayoutInflater mLayoutInflater;
private Context context;
privateint layout;
privateclassViewHolder {
TextView textView;
ImageView imageView;
ViewHolder(View v) {
textView = (TextView) v.findViewById(;
imageView = (ImageView) v.findViewById(;
publicTextAndImageCursorAdapter(Context ctx, int layout, Cursor c, String[] from, int[] to) {
super(ctx, layout, c, from, to);
this.context = ctx;
this.layout = layout;
mLayoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(ctx);
@Overridepublic View newView(Context ctx, Cursor cursor, ViewGroup parent) {
ViewvView= mLayoutInflater.inflate(layout, parent, false);
vView.setTag( newViewHolder(vView) );
// no need to bind data here. you do in laterreturn vView;// **EDITED:**need to return the view
@OverridepublicvoidbindView(View v, Context ctx, Cursor c) {
// you might want to cache these toointiCol_Text= c.getColumnIndex(DBCOL_TEXT);
intiCol_Image= c.getColumnIndex(DBCOL_IMAGE);
StringsText= c.getString(iCol_Text);
StringsFileAndPath_Image= c.getString (iCol_Image); //// path & fileViewHoldervh= (ViewHolder) v.getTag();
vh.imageView.setImageBitmap ( mySetImage ( sFileAndPath_Image ) );
2) This is really important: don't create a thumbnail on every bind. you need to cache the result:
privatevoidsetThumbnail(String path, Bitmap b) {
// save thumbnail to some kind of cache// see comment below
private Bitmap getThumbnail(String path) {
// try to fetch the thumbnail from some kind of cache// see comment belowreturn thumbnail;
protected Bitmap mySetImage( String path ) {
intwidth=60; intheight=40 ;
Bitmapthumbnail= getThumbnail(path); // try to fetch thumbnailif (thumbnail != null) return thumbnail;
FileimgFile=newFile ( path ); //// usually like: /sdcard/wherever/filename1234.bmpBitmapmyBitmap=null;
if( imgFile.exists() ) {
myBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile ( imgFile.getAbsolutePath () );
} else {
Log.d ("oops", "no image file ... using default.");
myBitmap = getTheDefaultImage (); //// not shown - this is arbitrary
thumbnail = extractThumbnail ( myBitmap, width, height );
setThumbnail(path, thumbnail); // save thumbnail for later reusereturn thumbnail;
Depending on you use case, you want to fill getThumbnail()
and setThumbnail()
with some kind of LruCache:
- There is a in memory LruCache available in the android API and in support lib:
- Jake made an persistent DiskLruCache:
@Overridepublic View newView(Context ctx, Cursor cursor, ViewGroup parent) {
ViewvView= mLayoutInflater.inflate(layout, parent, false);
vView.setTag( newViewHolder(vView) );
// no need to bind data here. you do in laterreturn vView;// **EDITED:**need to return the view
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