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Sending Data To An Intent Depending On A View (a Radio Button)

i have an activity showing a dialog which contains radioButtons, and to buttons (Ok,cancel) can i launch an activity from this dialog ? how to send the id of the radioButton sele

Solution 1:

in the onClick() method of the OK Button, you can add this code to start another Activity and pass the id of the checked radio button :

Intent intent = newIntent(FirstActivity.this, SecondActitvity.class);
intent.putextras("extra_selected_radio_button", checkedRadioButton.getId());

and in the onCreate() method of the SecondActivity , you can retrieve the id of the selected radio button like this :

Intentintent= getIntent();
intradioButtonId= intent.getIntExtra("extra_selected_radio_button", -1); // -1 is the default value

PS : Check this tutorial to learn more about sending data between activities in Android.

Solution 2:

Yes you can:

  1. On the OK button listener just do startActivity(intent)
  2. Before the previous method call you have to put an extra in the intent, like so intent.putExtra("radioButtonId", radioButtonValue)

Solution 3:

To start an activity from your dialog you'll have to add this into your button's onClick() code:

Intent intentLoad = newIntent(getBaseContext(), YourNewActivity.class);

If you want to send data to your activity, use: putExtra

Like this:

Intent intentLoad = newIntent(getBaseContext(), YourNewActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("radioID", id-of-your-radioButton);

You can catch your id in the activity with:

int myRadioId = extras.getInt("radioID");

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