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How To Make A Sample Demo Project With Android Sliding Panel In Android Studio

For a complete beginner like me, can anyone tell me how to just create sample demo application using '' in Android Studio version '0.8

Solution 1:

It's much easier to add this library to your Android Studio project. First of all undo all of your previous steps - they're simply not needed.

Open the build.gradle file of your appfolder and add the following lines to the dependencies:

dependencies {
    repositories {
    compile 'com.sothree.slidinguppanel:library:+'

Done! Android Studio may complain that the repositories stuff doesn't belong there so just move it to the build.gradle file of the project itself instead of the app module.

Here's how your build.gradle files should look like in the end:

explanatory picture


As Scott Barta mentioned in the comments, mavenCentral() isn't needed if there's already jcenter() in your repository list. jcenter() seems like a superset of mavenCentral() - Read more here: SO: Android buildscript repositories. jcenter VS mavencentral

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