Prevent Android Activity From Being Recreated On Turning Screen Off
Solution 1:
The solution to this problem may be the same as that described here: onDestroy gets called each time the screen goes on
It sounds like your activity is being restarted due to configuration changes, see The most common is when your app is in landscape mode (like most games) and then the screen lock is engaged by tapping the power button. The screen-lock is in portrait mode and therefore triggers a change in orientation which triggers the activity to be restarted.
This behaviour can be overridden by adding:
... to your manifest file if you are targeting API level less than 13. Or
... if you are targeting API level greater than 13.
Note you may need to go project->properties and update your project build target. 'screenSize' will not be recognised if your build target is less than 13.
It may be a different configuration change that is causing the activity to be reset. The following link provides a list of the possible configuration changes:
Solution 2:
to the activity part in the manifest xml. see here
Solution 3:
- Create the view in Application.onCreate().
- Add the view to a layout in Activity.onCreate().
- Remove the view from the layout in Activity.onDestroy().
Details are here: Attach/detach Android view to/from layout
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