Get All Full Visible Objects On Llistview
Solution 1:
A ListView keeps its rows organized in a top-down list, which you can access with getChildAt()
. So what you want is quite simple. Let's get the first and last Views, then check if they are completely visible or not:
// getTop() and getBottom() are relative to the ListView, // so if getTop() is negative, it is not fully visibleintfirst=0;
if(listView.getChildAt(first).getTop() < 0)
intlast= listView.getChildCount() - 1;
if(listView.getChildAt(last).getBottom() > listView.getHeight())
// Now loop through your rowsfor( ; first <= last; first++) {
// Do somethingViewrow= listView.getChildAt(first);
Now I want to get Index off all Elements, which are full visible
I'm not certain what that sentence means. If the code above isn't the index you wanted you can use:
intfirst= listView.getFirstVisiblePosition();
if(listView.getChildAt(0).getTop() <0)
To have an index that is relative to your adapter (i.e. adapter.getItem(first)
Solution 2:
The way I would do this is I would extend whatever view your are passing in getView
of the ListView
adapter and override the methods onAttachedToWindow
and onDetachedToWindow
to keep track of the indexes that are visible.
Solution 3:
Try onScrollListner and you can able to use getFirstVisiblePosition and getLastVisiblePosition.
This this link, it contain similar type of problem. I suppose you got your answer there..,.
Solution 4:
The above code is somewhat correct. If you need to find the completely visible location of view use below code
publicvoidonScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stubViewv=null;
if (scrollState == 0) {
if (view.getChildAt(first).getTop() < 0)
intlast= list.getChildCount() - 1;
if (list.getChildAt(last).getBottom() > list
// Now loop through your rowsfor ( ; first <= last; first++) {
// Do somethingViewrow= view.getChildAt(first);
// postion for your row............ int i=list.getPositionForView(row);
// set the margin.
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