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Fragment Orientation Change - Better Test Than For Landscape

In 'Landscape' mode I have two FrameLayouts controlled by One Activity and utilizing two Fragments. In 'Portrait' mode I have one FrameLayout controlled by One Activity, on Select

Solution 1:

or create a custom resource with a bool value (from google io 2012)

<!-- in your values/custom.xml --><resources><boolname="small_screen">true</bool><boolname="normal_screen">false</bool></resources><!-- in your values-sw320dp/custom.xml --><resources><boolname="small_screen">false</bool><boolname="normal_screen">true</bool></resources>

NOTE: You have to define a minimum screenwidth (sw320dp) for which you will consider a screen not to be small (link with more info)

The advantage is that you can read this value at runtime & you can have special cases for special resource qualifiers... E.g. you can read this value at runtime by calling in your activity:

if(getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.small_screen)) {
    // You have a screen which is < 320dp
} else {
    // You have a screen which is >= 320dp

You can even use this boolean resource in your manifest like so, to start a completely different activity for small screens

<activityandroid:name="SmallScreenActivity"android:enabled="@bool/small_screen"><!-- ENABLE FOR SMALL SCREEN --><intent-filter><actionandroid:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /><categoryandroid:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /></intent-filter></activity><activityandroid:name="NormalActivity"android:enabled="@bool/normal_screen"><!-- ENABLE FOR OTHER --><intent-filter><actionandroid:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /><categoryandroid:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /></intent-filter></activity>

This way you can simply use an Activity for the normal case (android:enabled="@bool/normal_screen") and use a special activity for small screen android:enabled="@bool/small_screen"

WARNING: This method will not work on newer devices since honeycomb.You can read why this method is not allowed anymore or read about working similar solution

Solution 2:

Preform an additional check for screen size before your check for the orientation. Considering that a small device has a width of 500 pixels and a height of 600 pixels, you would do something like this.

Displaydisplay= getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); 
display.getSize(size); i
intwidth= size.x; 
intheight= size.y;
if ( width > 500 && height > 600 && 
    getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == 

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