Can't Access Pre Populated Sqlite Database Using Phonegap/cordova In Android
Solution 1:
In first place, can trying with the next DB file name:
And for load file:
FiledbFile= getDatabasePath(".0000000000000001db");
The DB file needs to be in the next route:
I recommend use "SQLitePlugin":
In the "onDeviceReady()" function i use:
db = window.sqlitePlugin.openDatabase("0000000000000001", "1.0", "My Database", -1);
Solution 2:
I faced the same problem, but the answer above does not help me, so I am writing my experience, it may help.
I typically used a Cordova plugin named: me.rahul.plugins.sqlDB at
It is a plugin focused to copy files from Cordova www folder to the right folder on Android/iphone.
You have first to install the plugin, using:
$ cordova plugin add
Then on Device Ready event:
functiononDeviceReady() {
console.log(">device is ready");
window.plugins.sqlDB.copy("mydb.sqlite", copySuccess, copyError);
Solution 3:
To access pre-populated database you should first copy the database file in www directory.
Install this plugin DB-Copy plugin and copy the database from www directory into the device, using the copy plugin and then use Sqlite-storage plugin to access the database.
PS. The copy of database from www directory is need it because each OS has different location to store databases...
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