Android Client, Http Server, How Do I Know Client Is Sending Data Using My App? Authentication
Solution 1:
I finally got it all working, server and client two-way ssl authentication.
I used the instructions here to setup my own cert authority (ca)
I followed the commands there to generate my own ca, server and client files..
The big "GOTCHA" was that in the "create client certificate" section, the link uses a 1024 size client key. As it turns out, this was throwing the exception Wrong version of key store
To get around the above exception, I had to use only 512 sized keys.. This is done by NOT including the "1024" parameter to the openssl genrsa genkey command..
Finally I want to add a link to a tool I ended up using instead of Portecle.. I found the keytool gui program here of great help and easier to use than the portecle one -
This issue was a bit of a pain in the butt so I will keep an eye on this thread.. Feel free to reply if you run into any roadblocks..
Solution 2:
You can use a captcha to solve this problem.
- Before submitting the post, request the server for a captcha.
- Server associates a random captcha image with a unique key, and sends the application both the captcha and the key.
- Show the captcha image to the user.
- Send the post, the letters entered by the user and the unique key in your http request.
- Server verifies the captcha letters based on the unique key.
- If captcha verification succeeded you add the post, otherwise you don't.
This should solve all the scenarios.
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