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Showing posts from August, 2024

Android Java.util.calendar - Time Difference

I want to make calendar view in order to support touch interaction. So I'd like to build new cu… Read more Android Java.util.calendar - Time Difference

Problems With Fragment Onbackpress

in my navigation drawer there are 5 menu of them is about us item.when I click on this it… Read more Problems With Fragment Onbackpress

How To Create A Multi-line Options Menu Item (submenu)

I have a really long title for MenuItem (Added as a SubMenu). When added to Action-bar the menu ite… Read more How To Create A Multi-line Options Menu Item (submenu)

Sort Db Data And Display In List View

I get data from my DB using cursor = db.query('WebLeadMaster', select, 'condition1=… Read more Sort Db Data And Display In List View

How To Get Zip Code Or Area Code Of The Current Location In Android?

I would like to get the zip code of the current location in android device for my app,any example o… Read more How To Get Zip Code Or Area Code Of The Current Location In Android?

Passing View With Intent

I want to passing my viewto update my view in other activity. This is my code to passing view. emp_… Read more Passing View With Intent

This Gradle Plugin Requires Android Studio 3.0 Minimum

I am getting mentioned error when importing this project:… Read more This Gradle Plugin Requires Android Studio 3.0 Minimum

Should We Use Gcm (or New Fcm) With Openfire For Offline Pushnotification Messages?

It seams like to work with chat application, using openfire and smack there can be two ways below, … Read more Should We Use Gcm (or New Fcm) With Openfire For Offline Pushnotification Messages?

Passing Object Between Activity Contains Null

I have 2 activity(Order and OrderReview) from which I am sending object from OrderActivity to Order… Read more Passing Object Between Activity Contains Null

Switch From Aosp Master To Froyo

I just checked out master with repo. Now I want to switch to froyo. How can I do this without downl… Read more Switch From Aosp Master To Froyo

Get File Path From Uri From Video Chooser

In my app I start an Intent to pick a video file like this Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION… Read more Get File Path From Uri From Video Chooser

How To Draw Trade Line On Scatter Chart In Android?

I am developing application which requires scatter chart. For scatter chart I am using Apache aChar… Read more How To Draw Trade Line On Scatter Chart In Android?

Android Disable Overlay Of Actionbar And Navigationbar For Flag_translucent

As you can see by the picture the navigationbar and the statusbar is overlaying the layout. All I h… Read more Android Disable Overlay Of Actionbar And Navigationbar For Flag_translucent

Horizontal Listview Inside Vertical Listview (and Scrolling Multiple Listviews Together)

I am creating an attendance app and currently am trying to implement a layout as follows for mass v… Read more Horizontal Listview Inside Vertical Listview (and Scrolling Multiple Listviews Together)

Clear Backstack / History Navigationdrawer Item Selected

In the MainActivity I have the NavigationDrawer which looks like this: private void displayView(int… Read more Clear Backstack / History Navigationdrawer Item Selected

"table * Has No Column Named * " Error, Sqlite

I'm trying to learn SQLite, trying basic things and (as expected) it doesn't really work. I… Read more "table * Has No Column Named * " Error, Sqlite

How To Delete Database In Android App

How can I delete the database from the application? Solution 1: Did you check deleteDatabase() me… Read more How To Delete Database In Android App

Httppost Giving Error In Api 23 Android

I have a method in my android app which uses HttpPost class. It was working fine with targeted sdk … Read more Httppost Giving Error In Api 23 Android

"getview" - The Constant Change Of Position Of Items And I Have To Click Twice Of "item"

I have a realization of ArrayAdapter (extends ArrayAdapter), the method getView constantly redraw t… Read more "getview" - The Constant Change Of Position Of Items And I Have To Click Twice Of "item"

Detecting Screen Density Programmatically, Pre-honeycomb

I have a layout that works in certain phones, but in the Samsung Galaxy Ace doesn't work proper… Read more Detecting Screen Density Programmatically, Pre-honeycomb

Layout Positioning Problem With Custom Slidingdrawer

Hi everyone i've been trying to make this work for quite a while and i feel stuck, i found a co… Read more Layout Positioning Problem With Custom Slidingdrawer

How To Refresh The Marker On The Map?

I have just 2 Markers on the Map 1- I want to show the bothe markers with max zoom as possible 2- I… Read more How To Refresh The Marker On The Map?

Where To Put In-app Update Implementation In Android

I am trying to implement in app updates in my app, but there is a disconnect between the documentat… Read more Where To Put In-app Update Implementation In Android

The Maximum Number Of Arguments In A Java Construcor

What is the maximum number of arguments supported in a java constructor. I am using android studio.… Read more The Maximum Number Of Arguments In A Java Construcor

Allow Scrolling Edittext And Swiping Viewpager

I have an EditText (vertically scrollable) inside one of the fragments in a ViewPager (horizontally… Read more Allow Scrolling Edittext And Swiping Viewpager

Android Splash Screen: How To Make It Centered?

I use a theme-based solution as it described here, for example, to show a splash screen in my appl… Read more Android Splash Screen: How To Make It Centered?

How To Scale Image According To Different Screen Resolutions In Libgdx

I am using 480*800 image for my libgdx game. It is running absolutely fine on my smartphone but whe… Read more How To Scale Image According To Different Screen Resolutions In Libgdx

Call A Method In The Main Activity. From A Custom View Class

i am using the following method in a new application i'm developing. there is a main activity, … Read more Call A Method In The Main Activity. From A Custom View Class

Orientation Lock

How can I prevent my app form rotating. I want it so if the user is in portrait mode, the app will … Read more Orientation Lock

Memory Used By Pushing A Lot Of Pages On Xamarin.forms' Navigationpage

I have a Xamarin.Forms NavigationPage and I noticed that after pushing quite a lot of pages (say 20… Read more Memory Used By Pushing A Lot Of Pages On Xamarin.forms' Navigationpage

Android App Doesn't Show On The Emulator

I made an android application using eclipse and it is working fine when I started developing my app… Read more Android App Doesn't Show On The Emulator

App Icon For Android In Phonegap

I have an HTML5/Javascript app, and I have used PhoneGap's build service to generate the APK fi… Read more App Icon For Android In Phonegap

How To Customize Spinner's Dropdown Background

I want to customize Android Spinner's Dropdown background. Not for all spinners used in the app… Read more How To Customize Spinner's Dropdown Background

Navigation Drawer Without Actionbar, Android

I am trying to implement navigation drawer without any actionbar. I have a small layout at the top … Read more Navigation Drawer Without Actionbar, Android

How To Implement Notification In Android Tv

Can it possible to send push notification in Android TV through FCM? If it is possible then how ca… Read more How To Implement Notification In Android Tv

Java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: Failed Resolution Of: Ljava/time/localdate; Error

I tried everything, but the error not getting solved Here is my code: public String[] getWeekDays()… Read more Java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: Failed Resolution Of: Ljava/time/localdate; Error

Could There Be Any Performance Difference Between Writing The Same Code (for The Layout) In Xml Or Java File?

I know that there are differences in what you can and can not do in XML and a java file, but so far… Read more Could There Be Any Performance Difference Between Writing The Same Code (for The Layout) In Xml Or Java File?

How To Delete Recycler View Item From Room Database

I am using MVVM architecture model to create an app.I have recycler view in MainActivity and on cli… Read more How To Delete Recycler View Item From Room Database

Sending Radio Button Data To Next Activity

I'm trying to allow the user to enter their Name, and click on one of three radio buttons, and … Read more Sending Radio Button Data To Next Activity

How To Upload An Android File To S3 Bucket With Public Permission

I keep trying to upload a file to an s3 bucket. But the file is never public for viewing. I have to… Read more How To Upload An Android File To S3 Bucket With Public Permission Addviewinner Issue

i keep getting following errors, it's basically same error but keeps occuring on different line… Read more Addviewinner Issue

How To Get Place Or Placeid By Latlng In Android Using Google Places Api?

How to get place or placeid by latLng in android using google places api ? I want to get place or p… Read more How To Get Place Or Placeid By Latlng In Android Using Google Places Api?

An Edittextpreference With Minimum Character Requirement

I have an EditTextPreference that I user to allow use to set a passcode to an app. I want to requi… Read more An Edittextpreference With Minimum Character Requirement

Sending Images As A Base64 String To A Google Cloud Endpoint From Cms

I am trying to send an image from my cms to my Google Cloud Endpoint to be stored in the Google Dat… Read more Sending Images As A Base64 String To A Google Cloud Endpoint From Cms

Handling Button Event In Each Row Of Listview Issue

I am new to android and am trying to develop a new android app. But I am struggling to siolve one o… Read more Handling Button Event In Each Row Of Listview Issue

How Can We Open Files Like Ppt, Doc, Pps, Rtf, Etc. In Android?

Are there classses in Android that can open different kind of files like pps, ppt, docs, rtf, etc.?… Read more How Can We Open Files Like Ppt, Doc, Pps, Rtf, Etc. In Android?

Open Navigationview On Right Swipe From Everywhere On The Layout

I would like to open the navigationview on a right swipe, no matter where the right swipe is. Defau… Read more Open Navigationview On Right Swipe From Everywhere On The Layout

Sqlite: Efficient Way To Drop Lots Of Rows

SQlite, Android, true story. I have a table, which I use as a cache: CREATE TABLE cache(key TEXT, t… Read more Sqlite: Efficient Way To Drop Lots Of Rows

Android: How To: Implement Image Drag And Zoom Extending Imageview Using Multi Touch Capability Of 2.1 Up

I have this kind of behavior when I drag or zoom the image. If you have noticed, the image seems l… Read more Android: How To: Implement Image Drag And Zoom Extending Imageview Using Multi Touch Capability Of 2.1 Up

Android Tesseract Error. Data File Not Found At

I'm studying android using NDK with opencv. I success using ndk. So I get usable data ( I mean … Read more Android Tesseract Error. Data File Not Found At

Android Dumpsys Meminfo "swapped Dirty" Coloumn Meaning?

There are many questions asked regarding output of the 'adb shell dumpsys meminfo' like thi… Read more Android Dumpsys Meminfo "swapped Dirty" Coloumn Meaning?

Android Asynctask Sending Udp Packet

I want to use asynctask to send a datagram packet, but it not work!! I have add all permission that… Read more Android Asynctask Sending Udp Packet

How To Post A Bitmap To A Server Using Retrofit/android

I'm trying to post a bitmap to a server using Android and Retrofit. Currently I know how to po… Read more How To Post A Bitmap To A Server Using Retrofit/android

How To Calculate Listview Height Of Different Height Listitem In Android?

This code is work but the issue is in ListView each item of ListView is diff so last item of ListVi… Read more How To Calculate Listview Height Of Different Height Listitem In Android?

Custom Bullet In Edittext Inputtype Password

I need to create custom bullet for password for editText and put some padding between bullet symbol… Read more Custom Bullet In Edittext Inputtype Password

How To Start An Activity From A Thread Class In Android?

I am extending a thread class and from that class I want to start an activity. How to do this? Solu… Read more How To Start An Activity From A Thread Class In Android?

Error Copying Database

I have no problem copying database using helper. but since a re format my pc and install the eclips… Read more Error Copying Database

Custom Listview Adapter Null Object Reference

Not sure what hasn't been initialised here, I'm guessing I have to manually create a new ro… Read more Custom Listview Adapter Null Object Reference

How Access Parent Class View From Callback Function In Asynctask?

Here is my sample code. public class test extends Activity { private TextView tv; public class… Read more How Access Parent Class View From Callback Function In Asynctask?

How To Reset Or Unset A View Height Or Width Which Were Set Programmatically

I am struggling with this and I cannot find a direct answer to this question due to its generic key… Read more How To Reset Or Unset A View Height Or Width Which Were Set Programmatically

Android : I Need To Arrange The Layout Of My Application

I made my first Android application using eclipse. Now I need to arrange the Layout because my layo… Read more Android : I Need To Arrange The Layout Of My Application

Nfc Mifare Ultralight Tags Writing

Any tutorial for how to write on Mifare Ultralight tags ? I have been searching for a while Solutio… Read more Nfc Mifare Ultralight Tags Writing

Android: Executing My Asynctask Crashes App Immediately

I have the async task in my TabActivity, and although I have been using it before, it all of a sudd… Read more Android: Executing My Asynctask Crashes App Immediately

Detecting Menu Button Being Pressed A Second Time

I am wanting a certain flag in my code to be set when a menu is on screen. I tried catching the key… Read more Detecting Menu Button Being Pressed A Second Time

Android Lunar Lander Thread Handling Alternatives

Like many of the novices of android programming, I used Lunar Lander as a guide for implementing th… Read more Android Lunar Lander Thread Handling Alternatives

How To Obtain Browser Key

I am using Google map API v2 in android and places API and for loading places. I need browser key … Read more How To Obtain Browser Key

Letting Webview On Android Work With Prefers-color-scheme: Dark

I have an Android App that uses webview, and lately I'm trying to figure out how to add a dark … Read more Letting Webview On Android Work With Prefers-color-scheme: Dark

Problem When Connecting My Device To Pc?

I can't connect my device Samsung Galaxy SII to my pc. I'm using Windwos XP 32-bit Operatin… Read more Problem When Connecting My Device To Pc?

How To Skip The Signup Activity And Proceed To The Homescreen In Android

I have Profile class where the user enters his name and email. but whenever I open the app it asks … Read more How To Skip The Signup Activity And Proceed To The Homescreen In Android

Setonclicklistener Is Causing "runtimeexception: Unable To Start" - Nullpointerexception

I got an error, and I can't understand what's causing it. This is the snippet of code that … Read more Setonclicklistener Is Causing "runtimeexception: Unable To Start" - Nullpointerexception

How To Make Mp4 File From Images?

Can anyone tell me how to combine images and generate a mp4 file in android and store the video fil… Read more How To Make Mp4 File From Images?