How To Stop Edittext From Moving Up When Keyboard Appears
In a Bottom Navigation Activity I've a Fragment with a button, an EditText and a TextView. The problem is that when I focus the EditText to write with the keyboard it moves up and
Solution 1:
Use this ' android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan" ' in AndroidMenifest.xml file
<activityandroid:name=".ui.activity.approve_pending.ApprovalsActivity"android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan" />
You will find more information here
Solution 2:
Your constraints are probably what's causing this behavior.
Try removing the bottom constraint on your EditText, and setting the top constraint on your button to the bottom of the EditText instead of the top of the parent. I believe that will fix it.
Solution 3:
it work for me ,it grateful ,try it
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