Histogram Matching In Renderscript
In order to align the intensity values of two grayscale Images (as a first step for further processing) I wrote a Java method that: converts the bitmaps of the two images into two
Solution 1:
As a starting point, use Android Studio to "Import Sample..." and select Basic Render Script. This will give you a working project that we will now modify.
First, let's add more Allocation references to MainActivity
. We will use them to communicate image data, histograms and the LUT between Java and Renderscript.
private Allocation mInAllocation;
private Allocation mInAllocation2;
private Allocation[] mOutAllocations;
private Allocation mHistogramAllocation;
private Allocation mHistogramAllocation2;
private Allocation mLUTAllocation;
Then in onCreate()
load another image, which you will also need to add to /res/drawables/.
mBitmapIn2 = loadBitmap(R.drawable.cat_480x400);
In createScript()
create additional allocations:
mInAllocation2 = Allocation.createFromBitmap(mRS, mBitmapIn2);mHistogramAllocation = Allocation.createSized(mRS, Element.U32(mRS), 256);mHistogramAllocation2 = Allocation.createSized(mRS, Element.U32(mRS), 256);mLUTAllocation = Allocation.createSized(mRS, Element.U32(mRS), 256);
And now the main part (in RenderScriptTask
* Invoke histogram kernel for both images
* Variables copied verbatim from your code.
*/int []histogram_fixed = newint[256];
int []histogram_moving = newint[256];
int[] cumhist_fixed = newint[256];
int[] cumhist_moving = newint[256];
int i=0;
int j=0;
// copy computed histograms to Java side
// your code again...// calc cumulated distributions
for ( i=1; i < 256; ++i ) {
cumhist_fixed[i] = cumhist_fixed[i-1]+histogram_fixed[i];
cumhist_moving[i] = cumhist_moving[i-1]+histogram_moving [i];
// look-up-table lut[]. For each quantile i of the moving picture search the// value j of the fixed picture where the quantile is the same as that of movingint[] lut = newint[256];
for ( i=0; i < 256; ++i ){
while(cumhist_fixed[j]< cumhist_moving[i]){
// check, whether the distance to the next-lower intensity is even lower, and if so, take this valueif ((j!=0) && ((cumhist_fixed[j-1]- cumhist_fixed[i]) < (cumhist_fixed[j]- cumhist_fixed[i]))){
lut[i]= (j-1);
else {
lut[i]= (j);
// copy the LUT to Renderscript side
// Apply LUT to the destination image
mScript.forEach_apply_histogram(mInAllocation2, mInAllocation2);
* Copy to bitmap and invalidate image view
*///mOutAllocations[index].copyTo(mBitmapsOut[index]);// copy back to Bitmap in preparation for viewing the results
Couple notes:
- In your part of the code I also fixed LUT allocation size - only 256 locations are needed,
- As you can see, I left the computation of cumulative histogram and LUT on Java side. These are rather difficult to efficiently parallelize due to data dependencies and small scale of the calculations, but considering the latter I don't think it's a problem.
Finally, the Renderscript code. The only non-obvious part is the use of rsAtomicInc()
to increase values in histogram bins - this is necessary due to potentially many threads attempting to increase the same bin concurrently.
#pragma version(1)#pragma rs java_package_name(com.example.android.basicrenderscript)#pragma rs_fp_relaxedint32_t *histogram;
int32_t *LUT;
void __attribute__((kernel)) compute_histogram(uchar4 in)
volatileint32_t *addr = &histogram[in.r];
uchar4 __attribute__((kernel)) apply_histogram(uchar4 in)
uchar val = LUT[in.r];
uchar4 result;
result.r = result.g = result.b = val;
result.a = in.a;
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