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Creating A Custom Wifi Setup

I was just wondering if it is possible to make a custom Wifi interface within an app, where the user can input his Wifi connection instead of starting an intent which leads to the

Solution 1:

This used to be possible but is now deprecated with API level 29 (android 10). Starting with android 10, you can only add a network programmatically to a suggestion list. The user then gets a notification but isn't automatically connected. So once you set your targetsdk in you gradle file to 29 or higher, you can't automatically switch/connect to a wifi for the user.

// This only works with Android 10 and up (targetsdk = 29 and higher):import
val wifiManager = getSystemService(WIFI_SERVICE) as WifiManager
val networkSuggestion = WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder()
val list = arrayListOf(networkSuggestion)

A notification which is generated by the android Wi-Fi suggestion API

However, you can't force a Wi-Fi switch. If the user is already connected to another Wi-Fi, he might not connect to the suggested network. See Wi-Fi suggestion API for further reference.

Up until API level 28 (android 9), this was possible with the WifiManager.

// This code works only up until API level 28 (targetsdk = 28 and lower):import
val wifiManager = getSystemService(WIFI_SERVICE) asWifiManager

val wifiConfiguration =WifiConfiguration()
wifiConfiguration.preSharedKey ="\""+"123Password"+"\""// Add a wifi network to the system settings
val id = wifiManager.addNetwork(wifiConfiguration)

// Connect
wifiManager.enableNetwork(id, true)

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