Admob Only Sends Test Ad Not Real Ads
I followed instructions on I changed the test code in strings.xml to real code. But the app is still sh
Solution 1:
The Google Mobile Ads SDK will only display test ads on the emulator. If you switch to debugging on a real device, you will see live, production ads unless you register the device with the addTestDevice call.
As Abishek points out, it is a violation of AdMob policy to request real ads when you're testing and debugging, and this can result in the suspension of your account. The SDK automatically requests test ads to prevent this from happening.
Solution 2:
You cannot use the live ads during development as it is against AdMob policy to use live ads during development, and doing so could cause the suspension of your AdMob account.
Solution 3:
You have to change the banner ad unit id. because its the test id, that shows the test ad. You can find them in the strings.xml
<string name="banner_ad_unit_id" translatable="false">pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</string>
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