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Why Can't Android Find

I'm trying to use GSON in my project, but my application is crashing, with logcat saying that cannot be found. I've put import on my class

Solution 1:

What worked for me: Check the checkbox next to the lib (gson-2.0.jar) in: 'Project Properties' -> 'Java Build Path' -> 'Order and Export' tab. Then do a clean/build.

This adds the exported=true attribute to the classpath entry

<classpathentry exported="true" kind="lib"path="libs/gson-2.0.jar"/>

Solution 2:

Have you put the jar file in the libs folder of the project? If not , try moving it there, creating the folder if required. Should be at the same level as the src folder.

I had a similar issue trying to get an app built and that solved it.

Solution 3:

I'm using IntelliJ, not eclipse but here is how I did it:

  1. Download the source files from

  2. Unpack them

  3. Copy them into the "libs" folder of your project. I did this manually by using the terminal but you can do it by going in your project folder located in your computer. Your Project_Name >app >Libs [paste them here]

  4. Go to your editor (IntelliJ in my case) You should see the the following 3 files in the libs folder of the project structure:

    • gson-2.2.4.jar
    • gson-2.2.4-javadoc.jar
    • gson-2.2.4-sources.jar
  5. Open your build.gradle file and insert the following line in the dependencies section: compile files('libs/gson-2.2.4.jar', 'libs/gson-2.2.4-javadoc.jar', 'libs/gson-2.2.4-javadoc.jar')

  6. Right click on each of the source files and select "Add as Library..."

  7. Use the following options:

    • Name: name of the jar file
    • Level: Project Library
    • Add to Module: select project your adding to
  8. Rebuild project Build > Rebuild project

  9. Import and use it!


Solution 4:

I have observed today that it doesn't like when you add your library. The solution that worked for me was to add it as an external jar only. I have observed it by doing the steps described by author of this post i.e. Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries -> Add External JARs and point to the downloaded gson library.

Solution 5:

I ran into the same issue (when installed SDK 17) ...

The solution is, that you just put the pure jar files into the "libs" folder (without subfolders). You also don't need to declare them, android wil find them itself. You may need to do a Project > Clean

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