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How To Specify Fixed Layout_marginleft For Smartphones And Wrap_content For Tablet For Navigationdrawer

I have the below navigation drawer and I want to give layout_marginLeft as -64dp for smartphones and wrap_content for tablets. Please let me know how to do that?I don't want to c

Solution 1:

Assuming that you know how to create different dimes.xml files for multiple screens (If you don't know that have a look in How to define dimens.xml for every different screen size in android?) your problem should be how to set android:layout_marginLeft in the specific xml file using dimen value.

You can try this way

for wrap_content> <dimen name="your_value">-2dp</dimen>

for match_parent> <dimen name="your_value">-1dp</dimen>

and set android:layout_marginLeft="@dimen/your_value"

Solution 2:

You Just have to create 5 layouts file for all screen sizes with same name(of layout file) and store it into different folder In (hdpi,mdpi,xhdpi,xxhdpi,xxxhdpi).

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