Environment.getexternalstoragedirectory().getabsolutepath() Gives A Different Path - Android
Solution 1:
Why would this happen?
Because the path to external storage has changed over the years, which is why you should have never hard-coded the path in the first place.
how can I get the path directory in a more "formal and right" way instead of hardcoding the path?
Use Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
On your test environment, /sdcard
is a symlink or hardlink to /storage/sdcard0
, as set up by the device manufacturer. However, there is no guarantee that all devices will have such an /sdcard
I guess the 32GB storage comes with a built-in SD card
External storage is a portion of your on-board 32GB of flash memory.
Solution 2:
Remove the .getAbsolutePath() and it will be fine. Environment.getExternalStoreDirectory() will give you the path to wherever the manufacture has set their external storage.
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