Disable Buttons Permanently Throughout The Aplication In Android
Actually i have 3 buttons.User should click on any one button then all the 3 buttons should disable permanently throughout the app(when we close and open the app, buttons should be
Solution 1:
define the behavior in SharePreferences:
for example use this in onResume
SharedPreferencespref= PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
booleanenabled= pref.getBoolean("isEnabled",true);
in onClick
event of the button do this:
SharedPreferencespref= PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
Solution 2:
Use shared preference to store the clicked state of button.And check the preference value each time in activity/ fragment and disable or enable as per preference value.
Solution 3:
you need to save your button state in sharedpreferences and based on your condition you need to enable / disable it in your activity code.
if(stateofbuttonfromprefs) {
} else {
Solution 4:
You can use SharedPreference for your purpose. For more information refer this
declare SharedPreference before onCreate method
SharedPreferences stateButton;
SharedPreferences.Editor bEditor;
initialize this on onCreate()
stateButton= getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("Button_State", 0);bEditor = stateButton.edit();
add these two methods on your activity
publicvoidsetBState(boolean e) {
bEditor.putBoolean("btn_state", e);
return stateButton.getBoolean("btn_state", true);
call this to know your button state call
when you need to disable the button, use
Solution 5:
On Button click
button_login.setOnClickListener(newView.OnClickListener() {
@OverridepublicvoidonClick(View view) {
SharedPreferencesprefs= PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences();
prefs.edit().putBoolean("btn_click", true).commit();
In Activity OnCreate method
Boolean btnClick= prefs.getBoolean("btn_click", false);
//Disable Button
//Enable Button
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