Could Not Find Class
Solution 1:
I do not see you mention adding the Android support library
. You need to make sure Eclipse is properly including it
to work:Another potential issue is mismatch of play services library in your app and the play services verion on your nexus 5 device. If you downloaded the latest library from SDK manager, it may be higher version than the one on your device. I am guessing your play services version on device is 5.0.89, you can check on device
Settings -> Apps -> Downloaded -> Google Play Services
. Try using older version of the library if that's the case.
Solution 2:
Have you tried this suggestion: Unable instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment?
"Try right-clicking on your project in Eclipse, select Android Tools > Add Support Library. In my case it was a stale version taken from ActionBarSherlock."
Solution 3:
When importing the Google play service-lib, did you add it into the work space. try adding it in to the workspace
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