Bubblewrap Cli Error: Could Not Find Or Load Main Class Com.android.sdklib.tool.sdkmanager.sdkmanagercli
Solution 1:
It took a great deal of searching, but I finally found a solution:
I solved the problem by installing an earlier version of Android SDK tools as suggested by @krayanni in this post from a different repo.
I think latest version '6200805' has some issue, even I got the same problem.
Answer : Use the older sdkmanager version, please find below links for older version.
Windows no installer: https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sdk-tools-windows-4333796.zip
MacOSX: https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sdk-tools-darwin-4333796.zip
Linux: https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sdk-tools-linux-4333796.zip
However, apparently if you unzip the files with 7zip instead of the default windows extractor, it should work fine. I haven't tried this though.
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