Android: Cannot Import Basegameutils Successfully In Eclipse
Solution 1:
Same issue solved differently.
I've imported the BaseGameUtils project and also couldn't refer to it. If you right-click the BaseGameUtils project that you've just imported and then go to properties > android and check "is library" you are able to refer to it in your app project.
Solution 2:
When importing project, not to select BaseGameUtils folder, but the root folder 'android-samples-master'. Then check the project named BaseGameUtils.
Solution 3:
This worked for me:
Download code from github, In the downloaded folder copy the files from
Now import android-basic-samples-master as an android project.
Choose only BaseGameUtils , you'll get a project called main, right click project > properties > android Add library and select google-play-services_lib and also tick isLibrary and OK.
Also add an external jar android-support-v4.jar by right clicking project > properties > Java Build Path > Add external Jar .
Now add this project named main to your actual project as a library. TADA !
Solution 4:
You must follow: From the command line run Scripts/make_eclipse_compat (or Scripts/make_eclipse_compat.cmd on Windows). This creates the directory structure needed to import the projects correctly. Attention: android-basic-samples-master > Script/make_eclipse_compat.cmd
Solution 5:
Adding to SEG.Veenstra's answer "....just imported and then go to properties > android and check "is library" you are able to refer to it in your app project" this link as there are problems in Google's documentation: Android Play Services Leaderboard cannot be installed (BaseGameUtils)
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