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Admob Video Interstitial Test/dummy Id

Is there a test id for admob interstitial video ad ? i know dummy test id for banner and image interstitial Banner : ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111 Interstitial:ca-app-p

Solution 1:

As answered here : How can I get device ID for Admob

you can make the current running device into an adview test device programmatically

if(YourApplication.debugEnabled(this)) //debug flag from somewhere that you set

        Stringandroid_id= Settings.Secure.getString(this.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID);
        StringdeviceId= md5(android_id).toUpperCase();
        booleanisTestDevice= mAdRequest.isTestDevice(this);

        Log.v(TAG, "is Admob Test Device ? "+deviceId+" "+isTestDevice); //to confirm it worked

You need to use the md5 of the Android ID, and it needs to be upper case. Here is the md5 code I used

publicstaticfinal String md5(final String s) {
    try {
        // Create MD5 HashMessageDigestdigest=
        byte messageDigest[] = digest.digest();

        // Create Hex StringStringBufferhexString=newStringBuffer();
        for (inti=0; i < messageDigest.length; i++) {
            Stringh= Integer.toHexString(0xFF & messageDigest[i]);
            while (h.length() < 2)
                h = "0" + h;
        return hexString.toString();

    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {

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