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Want To Insert Json Data Into The Sqlite Database

I want to store an json data to db,it has to display my apps has to display some previous data without internet time also.For that i want to create an db for json data to store. T

Solution 1:

Create a class which act's as the intermediate between your Db class and the main activity to insert the data into the db and vice versa

publicclassCategory {

    String id; 
    String title; 
    String content;
    String count;
    publicCategory(String id, String title, String content, String count) {
        super(); = id;
        this.title = title;
        this.content = content;
        this.count = count;
    publicStringgetId() {
        return id;
    publicvoidsetId(String id) { = id;
    publicStringgetTitle() {
        return title;
    publicvoidsetTitle(String title) {
        this.title = title;
    publicStringgetContent() {
        return content;
    publicvoidsetContent(String content) {
        this.content = content;
    publicStringgetCount() {
        return count;
    publicvoidsetCount(String count) {
        this.count = count;

In your main activity where you do the json parsing create an object of DB class and call one the save record method at there like i did below

DatabaseHelper mDbHelper;
publicclassABCextendsActivity {

    @OverrideprotectedvoidonCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
                mDbHelper= newDatabaseHelper (this);


    privateclassGetDataAsyncTaskextendsAsyncTask<Void, Void, Boolean> {
            privateProgressDialogDialog = newProgressDialog(ABC.this);

            protectedvoidonPreExecute() {
            @OverrideprotectedvoidonPostExecute(Boolean result) {
                Intent intent = newIntent(ABC.this, XYZ.class);
            @OverrideprotectedBooleandoInBackground(Void... params) {

    publicvoidgetProdData() {
        // getting JSON string from URLJSONParser parser = newJSONParser();
        JSONObject jsonObject = newJSONObject();
            //JSONArray aJson = jsonObject.getJSONArray("post");String url = "";
            // getting JSON string from URLJSONArray aJson = jsonObject.getJSONFromUrl(url);

            try {
                // Getting Array of Contacts
                contacts = aJson.getJSONObject(TAG_CATEGORY);

                // looping through All Contactsfor(int i = 0; i < contacts.length(); i++){
                    JSONObject c = contacts.getJSONObject(i);

                    // Storing each json item in variableString id = c.getString(CATEGORY_COLUMN_ID);
                    String title = c.getString(CATEGORY_COLUMN_TITLE);
                    String  content = c.getString(CATEGORY_COLUMN_CONTENT);
                    String  count = c.getString(CATEGORY_COLUMN_COUNT);

        } catch (JSONException e) {

At last in your db class insert the values like below

public void saveCategoryRecord(Category category) {

        String query = "insert into"+ TABLE_NAME+ values( ?,?,?,?,?, ? )";
        SQLiteStatement stmt = mDb.compileStatement(query);
        stmt.bindString(1, category.getId());
        stmt.bindString(2, category.getTitle());
        stmt.bindString(3, category.getContent());
        stmt.bindString(4, category.getCount());

I have tried to use the same things as you have used. This is the way i think now you got the concept to do that

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