Two-way Data-binding Infinite Loop
I have a list of items. In each item's row I have 2 EditTexts side-by-side. EditText-2 depends on EditText-1's value. This list is bound with data-binding values in HashMap
Solution 1:
The reason you stated is correct and it will make a infinite loop definitely. And there is a way to get out from the infinite loop of this problem, android official provided a way to do so (But it is not quite obvious.)(
Binding adapter methods may optionally take the old values in their handlers. A method taking old and new values should have all old values for the attributes come first, followed by the new values:
@BindingAdapter("android:paddingLeft")publicstaticvoidsetPaddingLeft(View view, int oldPadding, int newPadding) {
if (oldPadding != newPadding) {
You can use the old value and new value comparison to make the setText function called conditionally.
@BindingAdapter("android:text")publicstaticvoidsetShareValue(EditText editText, double oldShare,double newShare) {
if(oldShare != newShare)
if (newShare!= 0) {
} else {
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