Sharedpreferences.getstring() Return Null
Im trying to display the user email in a textView using SharedPreferences. Shared preferences is created in loginActivity. I try to access it from mainActivity. My session using sh
Solution 1:
to read the stored preferences you need to do:
to save
SharedPreferencesspref= getSharedPreferences("your_prefs_name", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editoreditor= spref.edit();
editor.putString("myTextViewValue", prefVal); //
to read it
SharedPreferencespreferences= getPreferences(Activity.MODE_PRIVATE);
StringstoredPreference= preferences.getStr("myTextViewValue", null);
Solution 2:
This happens because your value is not stored in the shared preferences.
SharedPreferencespref= getSharedPreferences("your Pref Name", 0) // 0 for Private ModeStringname= pref.getString("your key store when login", null); // null is the default value you can put it here "No value". then you will not get null pointer.
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