Raw Assets Duplicated When Building Apk
Solution 1:
The APK file will contain a res/raw/
directory, containing the sole copy of your raw resources for that APK. Eclipse and Ant will not add a /raw
directory to your APK, at least not if you use a normal build process.
For example, you examine this sample project, you will find that the resulting APK file has one copy of the OGG raw resource, not two.
Solution 2:
what happened between normal apk structure and duplicated one
how to duplicate this issue, by using res folder as source folder (add to build path)
remove res folder from build path would do the job
Solution 3:
Okay this isn't an answer at all, I'm still no clearer on what was going wrong with my project.
I did however manage to stop the files being duplicated in my APK build, by copying all my res files out of my workspace, deleting the res folder from within Eclipse (deleting the files as well). Then finally recreating the entire res structure by hand and re-adding all the raw assets by drag dropping them into Eclipse.
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