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Ocr For Android Application Tess4j

Basically am designing an application that will capture an image from the android devices default camera and will display that image in an image view! works fine! good enough! capt

Solution 1:

The type java.awt.image.BufferedImage cannot be resolved.

From that error message, it seems that BufferedImage class is not supported on Android platform. Android API does not include the java.awt.image package.

Solution 2:

As others have said BufferedImage is not supported by Android platform. The solution is to use Tess-two, which is Tess4j equivalent Tesseract wrapper api for android.

For Ref: OCR in android using tess-two

Though this is pretty old, sharing so that others may find it useful.

Solution 3:

I know this question is really old. But to fix your error navigate to properties>java build path> Libraries> Add Library and include JRE system library. :)

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