My Android Achartengine Is Already Working, But How To Make It Look Good?
I guess the title gives away most of my questions, but let's detail and give a bit of background: I have an Android app focused mainly for tablets that will be displaying a few dif
Solution 1:
Question 1. You can try to play with these API calls:
mRenderer.setMargins(new int[] {top, left, bottom, right});
Maybe decrease the bottom value?
Question 2. a)
I think you can do the following, when the series get new values:
Provide the x min and x max values as the range to be displayed and call mChartView.repaint(); after that.
d) Same as for c)
As a suggestion, please try to split such long questions in several smaller ones and you may get answers faster. There aren't many ACE users to know how to answer all questions. Even the author of this library has to think about some answers :)
Solution 2:
For removal of scrolling of that chart : mRenderer.setZoomEnabled(false); mRenderer.setPanEnabled(false);
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