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Imageview Size For Phones And Tablets

I'm making something like a dashboard for my app. And everything fine except situation with ImageView size for diffrent device's screen inch. It looks fine on phones and devices 7'

Solution 1:

It is surprising and very strange that no one could give an answer to this seemingly simple question. Well, accidentally I found a solution and it was just as simple

If you want show different image sizes for tablet and phones just create an dimen for it

for phones we show small image with 50dp

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><resources><dimenname="image_size">50dp</dimen></resources>

for tablet around 10" we show 2x size image with 100dp

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><resources><dimenname="image_size">100dp</dimen></resources>

Then in ImageView tag specify size:


And necessarily you must make images for phones for different density from original size 50dp and put them in MDPI, HDPI, XHDPI, XXHDPI folders. For tablet make image with 100dp and also generate for different density, then put it in drawable-wNNNdp-?dpi folders, where NNN - screen width and ? - l, m, h, xh, xxh, xxxh dpi. Exactly folders drawable-wNNNdp-?dpi is the answer

Solution 2:

Don't give fix size to imageview.Give imageview's height and width wrap_content in xml....


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