How To Generate Rounded Square Launcher Icon Android
Solution 1:
Using this you can generate the rounded icon for the launcher.
Solution 2:
Generate Icon Via Android Studio
Right click on app > Go to Image Assets > Choose icon type and other properties > Click next and finish.
Here you can generate all icon shapes and replace with new easily. If you choose icon type as adaptive and legacy it will generate both square shaped and round shaped. And replace with existing icons on finishing with the steps.
Generate Via Online
Solution 3:
you can try this tool...
A collection of tools to easily generate assets such as launcher icons for your Android app.
Solution 4:
You can use below links to generate rounded corner icons.
Solution 5:
512x512 size is too big for launcher icon. Make it 108x108px and save it to svg by illustrator. Make sure your logo is inside 66x66px safe zone.
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