How To Add Fonts For Different Font Weights For React-native Android Project?
Solution 1:
The out of the box support for custom fonts on Android is a little limited in React Native. It does not support font weights other than normal
and bold
(it also supports the italic
). If you want other custom weights, you must add them as separate fonts with a different name (as David mentioned in his answer).
The only font files that RN will find are of the following format:
Supported extensions: .ttf
and .otf
This really isn't documented anywhere (that I know of), but you can read the Font Manager code here:
Solution 2:
Android has limitation for using fontWeight
property even if you tried
{ fontFamily: 'fontFamily-bold', fontWeight: 'bold' }
It will not show font correctly, you will need to remove fontWeight
to make it work.
My solution for that is to depend on platform.OS property:
import { Platform, ... } from'react-native';
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
text: {
fontFamily: 'fontFamily',
color: '#336666',
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
bold: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? {
fontFamily: 'fontFamily',
fontWeight: 'bold'
} : {
fontFamily: 'fontFamily-bold'
In render section:
<Textstyle={[styles.text,styles.bold]}>My bold text</Text>
It will works on both iOS and Android
Solution 3:
Other answers are outdated. Since React Native 0.60.0, it is absolutely feasible! The solution is to use XML Fonts feature for Android. I have written a complete guide here for a consistent typeface multi-platform experience. This post focuses on the Android side. Result:

Remark: This procedure is available in React Native since commit fd6386a07eb75a8ec16b1384a3e5827dea520b64 (7 May 2019 ), with the addition of
I will use Raleway
for this example, but this method should work with any font family! I am assuming that you have the whole Raleway font family TTF files, extracted in a temporary folder, /tmp/raleway
. That is:
0. Find the exact font family name
You will need otfinfo installed in your system to perform this step. It is shipped with many Linux distributions. On MacOS, install it via lcdf-typetools brew package.
otfinfo --family Raleway-Regular.ttf
Should print "Raleway". This value must be retained for later.
This name will be used in React fontFamily
1. Copy and rename assets to the resource font folder
mkdir android/app/src/main/res/font
cp /tmp/raleway/*.ttf android/app/src/main/res/font
We must rename the font files following these rules to comply with Android asset names restrictions:
- Replace
; - Replace any uppercase letter with its lowercase counterpart.
You can use the below bash script (make sure you give the font folder as first argument):
#!/bin/bash# fixfonts.shtypeset folder="$1"if [[ -d "$folder" && ! -z "$folder" ]]; thenpushd"$folder";
for file in *.ttf; dotypeset normalized="${file//-/_}";
./ /path/to/root/FontDemo/android/app/src/main/res/font
2. Create the definition file
Create the android/app/src/main/res/font/raleway.xml
file with the below content. Basically,
we must create one entry per fontStyle
/ fontWeight
combination we wish to support, and
register the corresponding asset name.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><font-familyxmlns:app=""><fontapp:fontStyle="normal"app:fontWeight="100"app:font="@font/raleway_thin" /><fontapp:fontStyle="italic"app:fontWeight="100"app:font="@font/raleway_thinitalic"/><fontapp:fontStyle="normal"app:fontWeight="200"app:font="@font/raleway_extralight" /><fontapp:fontStyle="italic"app:fontWeight="200"app:font="@font/raleway_extralightitalic"/><fontapp:fontStyle="normal"app:fontWeight="300"app:font="@font/raleway_light" /><fontapp:fontStyle="italic"app:fontWeight="300"app:font="@font/raleway_lightitalic"/><fontapp:fontStyle="normal"app:fontWeight="400"app:font="@font/raleway_regular" /><fontapp:fontStyle="italic"app:fontWeight="400"app:font="@font/raleway_italic"/><fontapp:fontStyle="normal"app:fontWeight="500"app:font="@font/raleway_medium" /><fontapp:fontStyle="italic"app:fontWeight="500"app:font="@font/raleway_mediumitalic"/><fontapp:fontStyle="normal"app:fontWeight="600"app:font="@font/raleway_semibold" /><fontapp:fontStyle="italic"app:fontWeight="600"app:font="@font/raleway_semibolditalic"/><fontapp:fontStyle="normal"app:fontWeight="700"app:font="@font/raleway_bold" /><fontapp:fontStyle="italic"app:fontWeight="700"app:font="@font/raleway_bolditalic"/><fontapp:fontStyle="normal"app:fontWeight="800"app:font="@font/raleway_extrabold" /><fontapp:fontStyle="italic"app:fontWeight="800"app:font="@font/raleway_extrabolditalic"/><fontapp:fontStyle="normal"app:fontWeight="900"app:font="@font/raleway_black" /><fontapp:fontStyle="italic"app:fontWeight="900"app:font="@font/raleway_blackitalic"/></font-family>
3. Register the new font
In android/app/src/main/java/com/fontdemo/
, bind the font family name with the asset we just created inside onCreate
⚠️ If you are registering a different font, make sure you replace "Raleway" with the name found in the former step (find font family name).
// Add this!import com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactFontManager;
publicclassMainApplicationextendsApplicationimplementsReactApplication {
// ...@OverridepublicvoidonCreate() {
// And that line!
ReactFontManager.getInstance().addCustomFont(this, "Raleway", R.font.raleway);
// ...
4. Enjoy!
You can now render
<Text style={{ fontFamily: "Raleway", fontStyle: "italic", fontWeight: "900" }}>
Hello world!
on both Android and iOS (given you link assets with the CLI, see this document for the iOS side).
Solution 4:
I ran into the same problem and had to make "new fonts" out of the font weight files (as it works by the font name not the file name)
Using something like FontForge - load the font weight file (e.g.Open Sans_bold.ttf) and rename it to "Open Sans Bold" (the actual name not the filename) and then use that as the fontFamily
in react-native (obviously attach that font to your project) So you will have 2 font files: "Open Sans" and "Open Sans Bold"
Hope this helps!
Solution 5:
Here are my recommendation:
In your assets/fonts/
, you place the following files:
- YourFont-Regular.tff
- YourFont-Bold.tff
“rnpm”: {
“assets”: [“./assets/fonts/”]
In your styles, you do:
conststyles=StyleSheet.create({text: {
},bold: {
Then, in your render it like this:
<Textstyle={[styles.text,bold]}>Hello World</Text>
This approach will work on both Android and iOS.
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