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Filtering 2d Array / Returning Arrayindexoutofboundexception

This is the structure of my 2d array along with the single array public String[] sList() { String list[] = { 'Asia Medic Family Hospital and Medical Center', 'Adven

Solution 1:

If I understand correctly, sList.length is 16, but your 2d array width is only 5. This means that loop goes up to 16, but the second index in sSpecialty[loop][loop] must be less than 5. This is where you get the IndexOutOfBoundsException.

I presume you need to replace the if statement with something like

// ALL filter selected
boolean filtermatch=false;

for(int subloop=0;subloop<sSpecialty[loop].length;subloop++){
        if (sSpecialty[loop][subloop].equalsIgnoreCase(thisFilter[5])
                ) {

if(filtermatch && sReg[loop].equalsIgnoreCase(thisFilter[0])
                && sAdmin[loop].equalsIgnoreCase(thisFilter[1])
                && sAmbience[loop].equalsIgnoreCase(thisFilter[3])
                && amountTF >= theTuitionFee;){

The second loop keeps the second index within bounds.

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