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Failed To Resolve:

I have installed play services in sdk tools and added following libs though it shows the problem compile '' compile '

Solution 1:

Remove from dependencies, that is a gradle file plugin not an dependency.

defmySupportVersion = "26.1.0"

dependencies {
    testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
apply plugin: ''

You should use def for flexibility when changing version.

Solution 2:

I think unchecking Offline work option may solve the problem. Check My Answer Here.

Solution 3:

A lot of problems can cause this issue:

1) Check if you have Maven/Google repository on your top level main build.grade (can be found on your project root folder):

allprojects {
    repositories {

2) Check if you have the correct library number on your module App build.grade (can be found on \app) :

3) Check buildToolsVersion and targetSdkVersion on your module App build.grade (can be found on \app):

Sometimes it's not possible to download anything if buildToolsVersion is not set to the new version. Check this site:

4) Check internet connection and firewall issues

This is so simple, but nobody checks...

5) Check if Android Studio is set to Offline Work:

File ->
Other Settings ->Default Settings -> 
Build, Execution, Deployment ->
Build Tools ->
Gradle -> Uncheck Offline Work

6) If nothing works, click on Android Studio "clean project" and then "invalidade cache/restart":

Build->Clean Project
File->Invalidade Cache/Restart

Good Luck!

Solution 4:

just change the play service version to 15.0.0 and sync the gradle

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