Error - The Import Cannot Be Resolved
I follow instruction from Google developpers but i have a problem. I want display publicity ( with AdMob ) and Google Play Game services on my application. I display publicity wit
Solution 1:
Go to your java build path, under project tab add your lib and then under order & export tab tick your lib, apply settings. At last just clean the project and lib, it should work properly...
Solution 2:
First solution: Right click error and select the Fix project setup like below image.
Select google-play-service.jar right path and click ok
- Second solution: Delete android-support-v4.jar file under libs folder after restart eclipse.
Solution 3:
Change the version of the library in the build.gradle(:app)
file to
This did the trick for me
Solution 4:
Make sure that your library is in your build path. I had the same problem with another lib.
Solution 5:
I solved this error by downloading the latest version (15 as of today) of the Google Play Services. Then import it again as a library in your project.
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