Draw Square 3x3 Cm In Android
I need to draw an exact square 3x3 cm on the screen, you need the exact dimensions in any type of screen as design work. The result in a Samsung Ace is 2.8 cm, the result is not ex
Solution 1:
I think you need to use the dpi in the specific directions x and y eg:
// We want 30/25.4 inches but in dotsfloatinches=30/25.4f;
floatxdpi= getResources().getDisplayMetrics().xdpi;
floatxDots= inches * xdpi;
floatydpi= getResources().getDisplayMetrics().ydpi;
floatyDots= inches * ydpi;
canvas.drawRect(0, 0, xDots, yDots, paint);
Then you will have more chance, but they are not accurate for every phone. I got the following results after placing this code in the onDraw() method of and Android app:
Nexus 7:2.8cmGalaxyNexus3.0cmHTCSensation3.0cmHTCDesireHD2.7cm
So it is not exact in all cases.
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