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Datepicker Dialog Using Dialogfragment For Multiple Activities

I need to use DatePicker dialog using the new DialogFragment class for multiple activities. I am having more than two activities using datepicker and time picker. I succeeded using

Solution 1:

I ran into a similar problem. I wanted to use an AlertDialog Dialog Fragment in multiple activities.

Here is my DialogFragment which is made of an Alert Dialog. In newInstance I require the title and the activity. Title is going to be in string.xml. Activity is going to be 1 or 2 based on what I say when I create a new MyDialog. I pass both of those to the Bundle "args" using putInt.(You can also use putString if you are more comfortable with that. Then in the onCreateDialog, I pull both the title and the activity name from getArguments() and use the activity to decided in a switch which action to take. And of course based on which Activity I am trying to do the .doPositiveClick or .doNegativeClick, I have to cast which Activity to perform the function in. Using this method, I can make minimal changes to MyDialog class and use it in other Activities.

publicclassMyDialogextendsDialogFragment {

static MyDialog newInstance(int title, int activity) {
    args.putInt("title", title);
    args.putInt("activity", activity);
    return dialog;

@Overridepublic Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Use the Builder class for convenient dialog constructioninttitle= getArguments().getInt("title");
    intactivity= getArguments().getInt("activity");
            newDialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
        publicvoidonClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {
            switch (activity){

                ((MyActivity) getActivity()).doPositiveClick();
                ((AnotherActivity) getActivity()).doPositiveClick();
            newDialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
        publicvoidonClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {
            switch (activity) {


Here is where I call on my alert dialog. This can be used in two different Activities. "MyActivity" and "AnotherActivity"

voidshowDeleteDialog() {
    DialogFragment newFragment = MyDialog.newInstance(
            R.string.myDialogTitle, 1);, "dialog");

I hope this helps. Let me know if you need more clarification.

Solution 2:

am to late but i hope this answer will help some one in future : i do'it by passing DIALOG_ID argument by setArgument method for each activity and in dialogFragment check the DIALOG_ID value and set pickerDialog for each one ex: {

publicDialogonCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    if (dialog_id == 1) {
        returnnewDatePickerDialog(getActivity(), ondateSet, year, month, day);
    } else {
        returnnewTimePickerDialog(getContext(), ontimeSet, hour, minute, false);


like this snippet example to under stand it more clear

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