Creating Google Maps V2 In A Fragment Using Navigation Drawer
Solution 1:
This is an answer an a response to this comment
So basically, folks use SupportMapFragment#getMap()
to get the GoogleMap object for quite a long time. And there are too many questions/answers/discussions/work-arounds/tricks to get rid of the NPE it may produce.
And finally, Google made a right step which you can see here: deprecate that getMap() method and add getMapAsync() instead
So your app/fragment which contains a MapView/MapFragment
must implement the
interface and override its onMapReady(GoogleMap map)
where you get the Map object. The idea is that GoogleMap object needs time to be initialized, so if you call the deprecated getMap() method, what you get may be a NULL object. It causes NPE. So the right way is to get it a-synchronically and setup a callback to retrieve the non-null object.
I created a github repo: Google Map Practice to help you see how you can easily implement that, and go for the better way. I'm really surprised that Android Studio by default create a Google Map Activity
(which is DefaultMapsActivity
in the repo) with the deprecated getMap() usage. It maybe because they didn't update their legacy template for a long time. But since Google notice you about new API, please take a look. Cheer!
P/S: If you want to try my repo, don't forget to setup your Google Api Key in /app/src/release/res/values/google_maps_api.xml
as well as /app/src/debug/res/values/google_maps_api.xml
Solution 2:
You have did small mistake i think, Check out OnResume Method:
public void onResume() {
if (googleMap != null) {
Change this to,
public void onResume() {
if (googleMap != null) {
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