Context Inside A Runnable
I try to play a sound from R.raw. inside a Thread/Runnable But I can't get this to work. new Runnable(){ public void run() { //this is giving me a NullPointerException,
Solution 1:
You should also be able to get the this reference from the outer class by using MainActivity.this
Solution 2:
You should use getBaseContext. Instead, if this runnable is within an activity, you should store the context in a class variable like this:
publicclassMainActivityextendsActivity {
private Context context;
publicvoidonCreate( Bundle icicle ) {
context = this;
// More Code
// More codenewRunnable(){
publicvoidrun() {
MediaPlayermp= MediaPlayer.create(context, R.raw.soundfile);
while (true) {
if (something)
play something
Also you shouldn't have an infinite loop like that playing a sound over and over - there should be a sleep in there in order to prevent the sound from playing over and over in a small amount of time and overlapping the same sounds with each other.
Solution 3:
I guess you need to create a Thread and call Thread.start().
Solution 4:
You need to declare a Handler object in your UI thread.
Then in your Thread use Runnable() {
publicvoidrun() {
//do something to the UI (i.e. play something)
Solution 5:
This works for me:
void doo {;
privatefinalRunnablerunnable=newRunnable() {
@Overridepublicvoidrun() {
foo(getApplicationContext()); // do something with Context
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