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Android Updating Ui Thread Elements - Best Practice?

I have an app that shows some measurement values like temperature, speed and so on. I want to stick more or less to the MVC pattern so I got something that receives the values when

Solution 1:

Have you tried AsyncTask? You can create a class that extends AsyncTask and contains a simple callback interface, something like:

classCalculationTaskextendsAsyncTask<Integer, Integer> {
        voidonCalculationComplete(Integer result);

Now, override doInBackground() method from the AsyncTask and put the program logic for the calculation in it.

protectedintdoInBackground(Integer... params){

Once the calculation is complete, the AsyncTask will call its onPostExecute() method. In this method you can refer to your callback interface.

@OverrideprotectedvoidonPostExecute(Integer result){

Then you should create an instance of your AsyncTask in the class that receives the values bluetooth and implement the callback interface there.

newCalculationTask(this, newCalculationTask.Callback(){

    @OverridepublicvoidonCalculationComplete(Integer result){
        mView.setText("The new value is "+result);

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