Android Studio Does Not Detect Android Device On Windows 10
Solution 1:
Depending of your device you might be required to install the phone specific drivers. Also, sometimes it helps if you go to phone Developer settings and uncheck/disable USB debugging and enable it again.
Solution 2:
There are few ways to resolve this problem.
Case 1. Enable the USB debugging option in your mobile.
Setting > developer > Check "USB Debugging"
Case 2. Change from MTP to PTP.(sometimes vise versa works)
Case 3. If nothing worked then try to Install PdaNet+ in your system. This Actually worked for me.
If it solved your issue then answer this question in the comment section > Which case solved your issue? it will help the coming people who are facing the similar problem.
Solution 3:
Try this also
1.Just change your cable & give try again
2.Uncheck "Tools" - "Android" - "Enable ADB Integration".
3.Re-Install Google USB drivers
GOTO - Download the driver Reinstall it
Solution 4:
In my case, an LG device, I just downloaded drivers from the lg site, and it fixed the problem without having to fiddle with any settings. LG site:
Solution 5:
In my case, I discovered that my device was paired via Bluetooth to my Windows 10 machine. This was preventing it from being listed as a portable device keeping it hidden from Android Studio so make sure the two are not paired.
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