Android Facebook Sdk, Upload Pictures To Wall With Profile In Different Language?
Solution 1:
Post your code how you are uploading image to facebook. And this is one sample code which is working fine for me just have a look might be helpful to you. And in my code am not creating any album Wall Photos. My picture gets uploaded in wall itself. Just have a look ...
privatevoidfbImageSubmit() {
if (facebook != null) {
if (facebook.isSessionValid()) {
try {
byte[] data = null;
// Bitmap bi = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(Constants.imgShare);ByteArrayOutputStreambaos=newByteArrayOutputStream();
bmScreen.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos);
data = baos.toByteArray();
parameters.putString("message", strmsg);
parameters.putString("method", "photos.upload");
parameters.putByteArray("picture", data);
facebook.request(null, parameters, "POST");
* time = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getHours() + ":"
* + Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getMinutes();
currentTime = DateFormat.format("hh:mm", d.getTime());
currentDate = DateFormat.format("dd/MM/yyyy", d.getTime());
Cursorcursor= Constants.dbHelper
if (cursor.getCount() > 0) {
currentTime.toString(), "Facebook", "Image");
} else {
"Image uploaded successfully.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: handle exception
// bmscreen is my bitmap of image ; Hope might be helpful to you.
Solution 2:
try using
parameters.putString("caption", "ooo xxx");
instead of
parameters.putString("message", "test post on wall");
should do the trick, it works to me :)
ps. thanks to user for sharing his answer, it really helps :D
Solution 3:
a) How can i look for the "Wall Photos" album if the user's profile is in a different language?
Set the locale
parameter to en_US
while querying the Graph API for albums – then you’ll get "Wall Photos" and not the localized album name.
b) How can i create a "Wall Photos" album in case that it doesn't exists?
Uh, I don’t think creating it yourself would be a good idea, since normally it’s automatically created by Facebook – so that might clash when FB later creates an album for the user’s first actual wall posted photo.
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