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Android Beacon Library Not Start Detecting Beacons

I don't know where is the problem with my code, I'm trying to detect beacon using sorry for bad English and I'm new in mobile app

Solution 1:

A few things to check:

  1. Is your beacon advertising? Try an off-the-shelf app like BeaconScope and make sure it is detected.

  2. Did you dynamically request and obtain location permission from the user? You cannot detect beacons unless you do so.

  3. Did you set a BeaconParser for the type of beacon you are using? If using AltBeacon you don't need to do this. But if using iBeacon you do.

  4. Do you get a call to "didDetermineStateForRegion"? Does it say you are already inside the region? If so, it may be that your beacon is detected, but the library thinks it is already in the region (it remembers this across restarts) so it never calls didEnterRegion again.

  5. Is bluetooth on? Is location turn on in phone settings? If you check app permissions does it confirm that location permission has been granted to your app?

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