Alert Dialog With Text Followed With A Checkbox And 2 Buttons
I have requirement to pop up alert dialog which is like a EULA screen. Which will have text describing EULA with a checkbox 'Don't show this again' and in the end 2 buttons for OK
Solution 1:
I have to agree with Mudassir, EULAs are not suppose to have "Don't show again" checkboxes, but here's how you could go about doing something like that though.
You can use a AlertDialog.Builder to build a dialog box that contains a view (which you can design in XML). Here's an example
LayoutInflatereulaInflater= LayoutInflater.from(this);
VieweulaLayout= eulaInflater.inflate(R.layout.eula, null);
CheckboxdontShowAgain= (CheckBox)eulaLayout.findViewById(;
eulaBuilder.setPositiveButton("Agree", newDialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
publicvoidonClick(DialogInterface d, int m) {
// Do something
eulaBuilder.setNegativeButton("Disagree", newDialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
publicvoidonClick(DialogInterface d, int m) {
// Do something
eulaMsg = eulaBuilder.create();
What you can do is create an XML with a single object, CheckBox. Then add the view into the AlertDialog.Builder. Use AlertDialog.Builder.setMessage("EULA message here") to set your EULA message.
Solution 2:
Look at these two different method:
1) First method more simply and very fast:
checkBox.setText("This is your checkbox message");
linearLayout.setLayoutParams( newLinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,
alertDialogBuilder.setTitle("This is the title of alert dialog");
alertDialogBuilder.setMessage("This is the message of alert dialog");
alertDialogBuilder.setPositiveButton("Ok", newDialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
publicvoidonClick(DialogInterface arg0, int arg1) {
// do something
2) Second method, with a more customized layout:
look this page, there is also the XML code to create the checkbox.
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