Trouble Importing Android-support-v4.jar
Solution 1:
OK, first of all, know that Eclipse messes up with resources and file many times.
Now,add the as stated in the tutorials, you'll get your 100+ errors of R cannot be resolved. Now see if import android.R
or import package_name.classname.R
statement is present anywhere? Please delete these all
Now take a backup of the project somewhere, delete the project and make a new one. Now, copy the folders -- lib/libs, src, res, and Androidmanifest.xml from the backup to the new project folder (replace them). Now refresh the project in eclipse. It should work!
Solution 2:
Try three things
Right click on the map project and under android tools select add support library.
if still not resolved
Select project properties and check android private libraries and android support v4 under the order and export tab
if still not resolved
In the class which is giving error remove the import statement for the file and press ctrl+shift+O then select and import the R file with project name
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