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Static Access To An Android App's Resources?

I have a problem re. an Android application's resources: My application has misc. modes (edit/plan/exec), which I would like to describe using an enumeration type. I would, however

Solution 1:

enumMode {
    EDIT (R.string.mode_edit),
    PLAN (R.string.mode_plan),
    EXEC (R.string.mode_exec);

    String id;
    Mode(String id) { = id; }

    publicStringgetName(Resources r){ return r.getText(id); }

    @OverridepublicStringtoString() {; }

Alternatively you can do following:

publicclassClassName {
    publicstatic Resources res;

In your Application.onCreate() or Activity.onCreate():

ClassName.res = getResources();

and in your enum Mode:

@OverridepublicStringtoString() { 
        Resources res = ClassName.res;
        if (res==null){ returnsuper.toString(); }
        else { return res.getText(id); }

Solution 2:

Thanks, radek-k, for the examples! In the meantime I came up myself with a somewhat similar idea, namely I added a static method to the enum to which I then pass the resource-handle during the Activity's onCreate()-method. That allows the toString()-method then to access the resource strings. IMHO not very elegant, but it works...

Cheers, Michael

Solution 3:

Based on this and because R.string contains integers

enum Mode {
    EDIT (R.string.mode_edit),
    PLAN (R.string.mode_plan),
    EXEC (R.string.mode_exec);

    int id;
    Mode(int id) { = id; }

    public String toString(Resources r) { return r.getString(id); }

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