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Safetynet: Package Name Always Return Null

I am implementing SafetyNet API based on Google SafetyNet sample and SafetyNet Helper Here is my working code. First part is processing code I used at SafetyNetSampleFragment: impo

Solution 1:

In your SafetyNetResponse object, you'll notice that basicIntegrity is false. This suggests some sort of system tampering other modification has been detected (rooting is one example of this).

This gives a clue as to why the APK information fields are absent. As described in the documentation:

The apkPackageName, apkCertificateDigestSha256, and apkDigestSha256 fields provide information about the APK that you can use to verify the identity of the calling app. These fields are absent if the API cannot reliably determine the APK information.

Your code appears to be working correctly. You can verify this by testing on an unmodified device running an approved Android build - the missing info should then be included.

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