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Problems Compiling Avahi Into Android Ndk Project

Over the last few days I've been having a difficult time trying to build avahi into a static or shared library for use with an existing Android NDK project. We have a few games in

Solution 1:

I'll follow up here with the solution that worked for me.

My solution was to use JMDNS instead of Avahi.

There's not much traffic on the Avahi mailing list.

JMDNS has working examples available. JMDNS took me about 4 hours to set up within my NDK environment and about a day to work out some "kinks."

Solution 2:

  1. tar avahi-0.6.31
  2. patch -p1 < 0001-Add-Android-support.patch patch -p1 <
  3. cd avahi-0.6.31 ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var make
  4. cd the subdirectories: make

then, you will see in all the subdirectories.

ndk-build V=1 NDK_LOG=2 APP_ABI="armeabi armeabi-v7a"

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