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Lint Error: `httpclient` Defines Classes That Conflict With Classes Now Provided By Android

I am trying to update my app from the deprecated Android Drive API to the Drive REST API by following the sample app. When trying to build the signed release APK, I get this lint p

Solution 1:

Try excluding the org.apache.httpcomponents module also from google-http-client-gson. Then, if your projects requires Apache HttpClient classes, use some wrapper to provide them, e.g. this one works great even when targetting the newest SDK.

I use the following block in app\build.gradle and it works fine (I just use older version of google-http-client-gson module):

compile ('') {
    //Exclude conflicting modules
    exclude module: 'httpclient'
    exclude module: 'commons-logging'
//Add HttpClient classes from a different package
compile ''

Then you will just have to change all your org.apache.http imports to, e.g.

import org.apache.http.HttpResponse



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