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How To Update Textview From A Class That Doesn't Extend Activity Class

I am New to Android. I am having a tough time with my code. Here is my problem. I have a TextView in my MainActivity which extends activity. And this textview has top be updated

Solution 1:

Create a field in your Adapter class and assign the instance of your text view, or using MainActivity.this.findViewById(...) or just findViewById(...) if your Adapter class is an inner non-static class of your MainActivity.

protectedvoidonCreate(...) {
//I suppose you get your textView like this wayTextViewtextView= ((TextView) findViewById(...));
//I suppose your MainActivity extends from ListActivity

privatestaticclassYourAdapterextendsBaseAdapter {
private TextView textView;
privateYourAdapter(TextView textView) {
    this.textView = textView;


// Inner non-static classprivateclassYourAdapterextendsBaseAdapter {
    ((TextView) findViewById(...)).setText("...");

Solution 2:

I have solved my problem atlast. I added the below line in the method present in my other class. So now when the method is called, my textView changes its text automatically.


This is how I was allowed to change the text of my TextView which I had in my MainActivity.

Solution 3:

You can make your TextView static or you can take a field in your AdapterClass and pass that TextView to the Constructor of AdapterClass while you have finished all in AdapterClass your can update the TextView from AdapterClass


say it is your AdapterClass:

publicclassAdapterClass extend BaseAdater..(blah blah)
    TextView textView;
    publicAdapterClass(Context context, TextView view){
                this.context = context;
                this.textView = view;
     public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup viewGroup){
        //do your task

        textView.setText("123 Results found");

and in your Activity while declaring AdapterClass pass your textView to the constructor like:

AdapterClassadapter=newAdapterClass(this, textView);

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